Trying to brief Best Memes chistosos de mujeres. Every woman out there knows at least hardships documented about women since the beginning of the world. A woman takes care of her husband, household, and kids. She has to take care of herself as well to comply with her beauty standards. In fact, most women claim that women do not own their bodies, but are here to entertain men.
We compile some of the funniest memes about feminism that will make men laugh. We select them from pregnancy struggles, motherhood, and anti-harassment clothes to mention but a few. Even Trump would be laughing at these memes chistosos de mujeres:
Top Memes chistosos de mujeres
Table of Contents
1. How to tell if a toy is for girls or boys: A guide
Do you operate the toy with your genitals? If your answer is yes then the toy is not for children. If your answer is No then the toy is either for girls or boys.

2. If men could get pregnant abortion clinic would be like Starbucks
If men could get pregnant you would find two on every block. You would find four in every airport and the morning after pill would come in different flavors such as cool ranch as well as sea salt. Other women add that if men were to have menstruation then it would be easier to get sick leave from work. In such a case, most painkillers would be available without prescriptions.

3. As a woman, I just want the same rights as a rattlesnake
Women feel that men do not respect them. They are comparing themselves with rattlesnakes. In this meme, women claim that “rattlesnakes may be found in this area. Give them distance and respect”. Women are dangerous and they can bite anytime without your knowledge. You will not see them come, but you will feel their impact after the bite.
4. Siri: Show me fragile masculinity
In most cases, it is women who are shorter than men and not vice versa. Here, Siri is interviewing one of the Chicago’s champion. The guy is shorter than her so he had to climb on a bucket to get everything right.

5. Ruth Barder Ginsburg
Ruth is a popular writer and has many quotes. In one of her best meme quotes she says “My mother told me to be a lady. And for her that meant be your own person, be independent”. She believes that women should wake up and stop depending on men for everything. She encourages women to work hard and be independent.
6.Women are so hard to read
I this meme, it is an image that describes women. Women are so hard to read.
Well actually we just wan-
Such complex creatures
If you just liste-
So mysterious

7.My breasts
In this meme, women claim that men do not have bigger balls than them. A woman says, “Mine had to be put on my chest to avoid chaffing”. This is so hilarious but somehow, it makes some sense.
Conclusion Of Memes chistosos de mujeres
Do not be fooled by their outward appearance, especially their smile. Women go through a lot of hardships. You need time to understand them. These memes collect from various sources on the internet. My main focus is to entertain everyone. Now a day internet is an essential part of life. Most of the people search the internet for something entertain and funny pictures & memes like that. So if you are satisfied & entertaining read this content & Funny memes then Will be happy to keep my heart. Happy Reading This Memes chistosos de mujeres. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Shahrear Mehfuz Is a meme Creator & Collector. He collects meme various sources. He wants people to Enjoy their life with the internet.