Overview of Breast cancer awareness memes
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Breast cancer is the most popular cancer among women. It affects about 2.1 million each year. It also causes the greatest number of cancer-related deaths amongst women. Unlike the past that stigmatization highly affected most patients; things have changed quite a lot. Nowadays we find the courage to encourage patients.
Everyone needs a good laugh from time to time regardless of their health status. It helps to lift up their spirit during their cancer treatment. In honor of breast cancer awareness, we are rounding up a few the screw breast cancer memes that will make your day:
1.Worry more about the health of our breasts than their size
Lots of breast cancer pictures that go viral online show us how most women are more concerned about the size of their breasts than their health. They would rather go for breast enhancement surgeries, but not screening. According to research, if doctors discover breast cancer early then it is easily manageable.

2.When post-chemo hair game going strong
Can you imagine wearing this long wig then accidentally you run into an old friend. Then he/she is like, “I like your long hair better…” It is a bit hilarious and a somehow a disturbing statement. Deep inside you know that there is nothing of the sort happening and someone is praising your non-existing long hair.

3.You weren’t supposed to betray me!
This is a funny breast cancer quote was a woman, probably a cancer patient is pointing at a cat. The cat is labeled as “my cancerous breast”. This is the pain of losing breasts to cancer. Instead of dwelling so much on the fact that she no longer has breasts, she makes this beautiful meme. It is a powerful and encouraging meme, especially during this cancer month.

4.When patients ask if radiation is bad for you
This is one of the best breast cancer-free images on Instagram that will draw your attention. Bring yourself to a situation when you are a doctor. You know all the side effects associated with radiology. Deep inside you know that your patient needs it, you will definitely act like, “why not”.

5.Nurse: Don’t worry the needle won’t hurt
Me: Screaming…
Here, a patient is asking the nurse if the needle would hurt. In other situation, the nurse is ready with the injection but learns worries registered on your face. Then he/she is like do not worry the needle won’t hurt. Then immediately you turn around you see an image of a statue screening. Ouch, that hurts!

6.Not eating because of nausea: Nausea because of not eating
This is actually Spiderman’s one of his breast cancer awareness pictures. He is pointing at his double. Not eating because of nausea, nausea because of not eating. This is after chemo and you feel drowsy and nauseated. It’s a bit funny!
Breast cancer is gaining popularity amongst most women. It is stressful, scary, and painful. All the same, we always find a way to laugh and fight for our lives. In a difficult time, the best thing you can do is read or view some free cancer awareness images to encourage you. We must attest that people who know nothing about cancer might not understand the above memes.
All memes collect different sources of the internet. the main goal is people are making fun & happy in their life. My main plan to making fun of no more other intention in their life. All memes making via photoshop & other sources. But all are good. Thanks for watching & reading the content. Stay Safe Stay Home goodbye.
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Shahrear Mehfuz Is a meme Creator & Collector. He collects meme various sources. He wants people to Enjoy their life with the internet.